Opening Hours

Knowle House Surgery

Day Opening hours
Wednesday 22 January
8am to 6pm
Thursday 23 January
8am to 6pm
Friday 24 January
8am to 6pm
Saturday 25 January
Sunday 26 January
Monday 27 January
8am to 6pm
Tuesday 28 January
8am to 6pm

When We Are Closed

If you need an emergency doctor, please ring NHS 111 in order to access the emergency out-of-hours doctor service. Your details will be taken by an operator and the emergency doctor will then contact you.

Telephone NHS 111 for medical help outside of normal surgery hours.

We provide 24 hour cover every day for genuine medical emergencies. Please have a pen ready when you phone as a recorded message may redirect you to the doctor on call. We respectfully request that you restrict this service to conditions, which are too serious to wait until the next surgery. Please remember the doctors on duty will have worked the full day before and will have normal surgeries the next day.

Call 999 in an emergency. Chest pains and / or shortness of breath constitute an emergency.

a group of people sitting in chairs

NHS 111

111 online is a fast and convenient alternative to the 111 phone service and provides an option for people who want to access 111 digitally. 

Your needs will be assessed and you will be given advice about whether you need:

  • Treat yourself at home
  • Go to a Primary Care Centre

If you need face to face medical attention you may be asked to attend a Primary Care Centre.

Click here to access NHS 111 online or call 111 to speak to a staff member.