Specialised Clinics appointments
We run specific clinics for chronic disease checks, joint Injections, minor operations, smears, immunisations and travel immunisations.
Please note that we run a waiting list system for patients who have been assessed by the doctor as needing a minor operation or joint injection. Your details will be added to the waiting list and you will be contacted by one of the receptionists with the first available appointment date.
Practice Nurses & Health Care Assistants
Our practice nurses are available every weekday by appointment for injections, dressings, stitch removal, and cervical smears. They also give advice on minor ailments and healthy living as well as running asthma and diabetes clinics.
They carry out health screening for all of our newly registered patients when required, as well as over 75s, patients with chronic diseases and those attending for a well person check. Advice on family planning and the menopause are also available from the nurses.
Our HCAs are available for blood tests, flu vaccinations (in season), pneumoccocal vaccinations, dressings and diabetic checks. They have appointments available throughout the week.
Automated Health Monitor
Please ask at reception if you would like help using our Health Monitor.
The Monitor can record your height, weight and blood pressure. It can also record information about your lifestyle such as smoking habits.
You can use the Health Monitor when asked to by a member of our Clinical Team or each time you visit the surgery.
The Health Monitor will print a ticket for your information and will enter the results in your medical record.
Using the Health Monitor can assist you in managing your own long term medical conditions and can save us valuable nurse appointments.
Social Prescribing
Drake Social Prescribers
We offer a Social Prescribing service via Drake Medical Alliance. The Social Prescribers can assist you with the following -
- Social, emotional and practical needs
- Improving mental health & wellbeing
- Social isolation
- Frequent attenders of primacy and secondary care
Your GP can refer you to this service. Please complete a SystmConnect and we send your details over to our team.
Home visits
Should the need arise we are able to provide home visits.
It is the reasonable opinion of the Doctor as to whether a visit is required and that the clinician should determine where it is most appropriate to see a patient. This should consider patient safety, clinician safety, access to equipment and facilities to best assess a patient, which is usually at the practice. We try to reduce admission rates by attending patients at home but on occasion the Doctor will refer a patient directly to the hospital without first seeing them providing this is the most appropriate course of action for the management of the patient in the opinion of the Doctor.
To recieve a home visit please call 01752705090
If it is a medical emergency Dial 999